Are you taking advantage of the Discovery Cycle? We help you evaluate your progress in discovering the main principles of using Over-Graph.

During your Discovery Cycle, we will send you an email report each week, on the 8th, 15th and 22nd day, in which we list the most important features of Over-Graph, and whether you have discovered them and therefore used them at least once. Here is a guide to help you understand the information we will give you.

1 - The Connection between your different Social Networks managed by Over-Graph, the types of accounts that you have connected and the types of posts that you have made.

For Facebook, you connect to your personal profile by default (necessary for creating your account), then you can discover, in an unlimited number, the different types of pages that Facebook offers:

  • “Classic” page,
  • “Place” page allowing check-ins for example,
  • “Global” page, lets you manage local versions by country (paid service from Facebook)
  • “Places Page” page, lets you manage all of the “Place” pages that you are running.
  • We also let you see the types of posts that you have made.

For Twitter, you will be able to connect 1 account. But if you need to connect more, Over-Graph manages it, without any restrictions. We also let you see the types of tweets that you have made.

For Linkedin, you will connect to your unique and personal account. It will allow you to manage your Personal Profile as well as all of your Business Pages.

Instagram works the same way as Twitter: connect your Accounts to each other, with no limit on the number. Instagram does not allow third-party applications to post photos, so we are not in a position to offer you this feature.

Finally, with YouTube, you will select your Account, and Over-Graph will find the related channels. Once again, their number is unlimited. We will also remind you whether you have tested the video posting module or not.

2 - The use of the SAVED selections to organize your work

The second column concerns selections, a major element of the Over-Graph experience.

  • If you begin a new Selection
  • If you save a Selection
  • If you change Selection
  • If you have received a Social Media Activity Report linked to one of your saved Selections

You will be informed about it in the report.

3 - The use of the BROADCAST tool to share your content with your communities, and their different posting formats and options

In the third column, we focus on the BROADCAST tool. This column contains:

  • Use of the Automatic and Manual modes that we offer, depending on the number of profiles on which you would like to post,
  • Scheduling,
  • Saving drafts,
  • The use of our Engagement Forecasting module,
  • The posting and scheduling of several posts, staggered over time,
  • The use of our extension to redistribute content.

4 - Use of the RESPOND tool to maintain conversations with your Members.

The final column of the reports is about the RESPOND tool.

  • Supervising public discussions,
  • Supervising private discussions,
  • Response to the discussions,
  • Moderation (suppression of discussions),
  • Approval (favorites, likes…),
  • Search (by keyword or hashtag among the discussions),
  • Filtering the exchange flow (by date, processing status, social network . . . )
  • Cross-identity response, which means the possibility of responding to an exchange with another profile that you are administering, from the same social network

At the conclusion of your Discovery Cycle, we will also offer you a complete end-of-cycle report, which will be available directly on

Don’t hesitate to consult our Help Center, our YouTube channel or contact us if you need help!

Article published by Camille in newsOG

the 11 June 2015

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