To make planning your publications easier, from now on you will have access to a Calendar that lets you visualize all of the content that you have scheduled and published on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram.

Instead of relaxing, #Team_OG spent the holiday season finishing an original and useful new tool: the Calendar.

Organization is a keyword in Community Management. The smallest error or approximation will have an impact on your communications: 2 publications too close together, duplicates, no publications for several days, neglect, etc.

In concrete terms, how will the Calendar simplify your day-to-day work?

→ You no longer need to update your conversation calendar manually

Save time by accessing all of your scheduled publications on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn in one place to manage/modify them more easily, letting you concentrate on creating content!

→ Access all of your past publications

Visualize and keep an eye on your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram publications. Thanks to the different views available (day, week, month) you have a clear record of your activity on social networks.

→ Avoid duplicates

Avoid duplication by reviewing published and scheduled content at a glance.

→ Make your moderating work easier

With one click, you’ll know if your content has generated responses! Stay in contact with your community and respond to its feedback!

→ Oversee information campaigns

Whether your campaign takes place in a day, a week, a month or in the blink of an eye, you can find all the publications that have been made or scheduled.

→ Reread one last time before posting online

Retrieve only the publications that you have scheduled for today in order to avoid typos or information that is out of date.

→ Avoid misunderstandings

An outside event has happened and your content risks dropping at the worst possible moment? Don’t rush from network to network, just move it or delete it on the calendar to avoid bad buzz.


→ Fine-tune the scheduling of publications that you have planned

Optimum communication without a surcharge! All you have to do is slide a piece of content from one time slot to another!
→ Give your content more visibility

Don’t know when to publish? We’ll show you on the Calendar which times generate maximum engagement with publications on your Facebook Pages/Twitter accounts.

This new tool comes from our desire to make the most time-consuming tasks of Community Management easier.
With a calendar that’s always up-to-date, you can concentrate on the quality of your content and your relationship with your communities from now on.

Article published by Maïté in newsOG

the 23 January 2015